It's never too early to think spring. Of course, along with spring comes the frugal spring cleaning. After all, you want your home to feel as crisp and fresh as the weather. With this in mind, here are some tips to help you with your frugal spring cleaning this year.
Frugal Spring Cleaning Tip #1: Use Generic Products
The first frugal spring cleaning tip can also be used for food: Don't pay for the top brands when generic cleaning products are just as good but will save you at least 50%. Take a moment to compare the labels and you'll see they are quite similar.
Frugal Spring Cleaning Tip #2: Shop At The Dollar Store
Adding on to the first frugal spring cleaning tip, you should know that generic products are even cheaper at the dollar store. Take a moment to have a close look at the products before leaving the store to make sure you'll be happy with them when you get home.
Frugal Spring Cleaning Tip #3: Stock Up At Sales
April is a great time to buy your cleaning products. With that being said, here's a little known frugal spring cleaning tip: Organic products of all types are on sale at this time because of Earth Day. So, stock up and don't forget to use your coupons to help you do so.
Frugal Spring Cleaning Tip #4: Use Your Coupons
Here is another frugal spring cleaning that you're probably already using: Be on the lookout for coupons. While the Sunday newspaper and your favorite magazines are great sources, don't overlook tear pads and displays in the store. You'll also find coupons in machines and on products themselves. The Internet also offers great printable coupons.
Sometimes when you like a brand's page on Facebook or join a company's email list, you'll get coupons. Don't forget to check out the other part of my blog where I list deals, coupons, and sweepstakes daily that you can use for your frugal spring cleaning.
Frugal Spring Cleaning Tip #5: Make Your Own Cleaners
When you're online also look for DIY cleaner recipes that use your pantry supplies (e.g. vinegar, baking soda, cornstarch, lemon juice), and you can use for your frugal spring cleaning. A great benefit here is that you have complete control over it.
Frugal Spring Cleaning Tip #6: Reuse and Repurpose
Instead of using cleaning supplies that you'll need to throw away, consider using those that you can reuse. For instance, instead of paper towels, use cotton cloths (from old washcloths T-shirts and towels) instead. At the same time, you should also try repurposing those household items that you already use. As an example, take old dryer sheets and shine the stainless steel and toothbrushes you're no longer using for scrubbing grout.
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