Friday, February 13, 2015

A Valentine's Day Reminder for Christians

Tomorrow is Valentine's Day. This is a day when we're supposed to show our love to those around us, but as Christians, we know we should show our love to one another all the time, not just on Valentine's Day. We also know that God is the source of selfless love. With both things in mind, Valentine's Day now has a whole new meaning. It serves as a reminder that we've been called to share His love with others. 

There are so many different ways in which we can share this love. One simple way that I like to use is placing a Scripture verse like, 1 John 4:19, "We love because He first loved us." in my email signature, as well as on my business cards. This is just a really simple reminder of who I am and what I stand for. Although I may change up my Bible verse on occasion, I always want it to have something to say about who I am as a person. 

As a Christian, we are called to share God's love with everyone we're around. So, why not take food to the homeless, donate clothing, volunteer, visit someone who's sick or lonely or take cookies to the firehouse, police station or local military base? 

Keep in mind that although today is Valentine's Day, this doesn't mean that we can't do these things throughout the year too. Our love comes from God. We know the truth, and it's up to show it to others by showing them love.   

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