Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Get Organized! Create a Homemaking Journal

Get Organized! Create a Homemaking Journal

Regular cleaning isn't only healthier for your family, but it also makes it easier to keep your home clean. So, how do you start? With a homemaking journal that you put together in the following fashion.

Write down Every Job You Need to Do in Each Room in Your Homemaking Journal 

Get a notebook and go into every room and notate every job you need to do in that room but don't write on your homemaking journal pages yet. Furthermore, write down every idea you have for that room. Don't overlook anything... the entryway/porch of your home, windows, window sills, baseboards, books, shelves, nic nac's, lamp globes, carpet, sofa cushions, chair legs, smoke alarm batteries, door knobs, piano keys, curtains, blinds, etc.

You'll also want to notate in your homemaking journal when you want each job done. This way you'll know when things need to be done simply by looking at your notebook.

Create a Homemaking Journal  

Once you've gathered your notes you'll want to open your homemaking journal (here's a neat way to make a quick, personalized homemaking journal) and write down the name of each room at the top of each page so that each room has its own page. Now write down what you need to do in each room, each day. You'll then want to create a section in your homemaking journal  for what you'll want to do weekly, monthly, bi-monthly, bi-annually, and annually in this same way. By now, you'll have worked your way to the back of the notebook where you'll want to make a list of everything that needs fixed or bought.

Keeping up with the Work in Your Homemaking Journal 

At the beginning of each month, you'll want to decide what homemaking journal ideas you want to do that month. You may wish to consider purchasing a large white board like this one.

This way, you can write down your chores each day and erase them as they're accomplished. It's also a good place to list your children's chores. 

Saturday, February 21, 2015

Enjoying Christian Simplicity

This is one of my favorite quotes from Mother Theresa. But what does it really mean? Sure, it speaks of voluntary simplicity but what is that?

Simple living is a lifestyle wherein you deliberately choose to decrease your material needs and fill your life with simple pleasures instead. This is actually something that many people throughout the years have done, including David Thoreau, Socrates, Aristotle, and Plato.

It's more than simple moderation and balance though. It's also about:


Lower your consumption by purchasing products that are more durable, easy to fix, don't pollute the environment, are energy efficient, and functional.
Walk or use public transportation instead of driving your car all of the time.

Quantity and Quality Time

Invest time and energy in activities with your partner, children, and friends.

Work and Money

Pursue a livelihood that contributes to the wellbeing of the world.
Develop personal skills that enable you to become more self-reliant.

Family and Community

Make your family a priority instead of simply trying to find time for them.
Favor non-sexist patterns of relationships.
Involve yourself in compassionate causes within your community.
Participate in holistic health care.

Caring for the Earth

Discover the size of your ecological footprint and reduce it.
Boycott products that you disagree with.
Purchase earth-healthier products.

These are just some of the many things we're called to do as Christians. I will be going into greater detail over the next weeks so that together we can enjoy Christian simplicity. It will be a bit of a challenge but for me, it will be a challenge well worth taking. I hope you'll join me and comment along the way!

This blog is part of a series I'm writing, entitled...

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Entering into the Season of Lent

Lent... The season leading up to the greatest gift God could ever give us: His Son, dying for our sins.

This isn't something that I, or anyone else deserves. It's why I truly believe that throughout this season we shouldn't only be thankful, but we should also deepen our commitment. There are so many ways in which we can do this.

I've heard some people say that they're going to join in on a decluttering challenge. Some are going to give away an item a day for the next 40 days.

Some people will stop eating meat on Fridays. There are lots of great fish fry's that they can enjoy instead.

Others are going to spend more time reading God's Word and planting this in their heart. Although this is something I feel we should be doing all the time, sometimes life has a way of getting us sidetracked.

I'm actually going to be moving next Friday (2/27) so I've been going through things here, decluttering. I've given lots of things away already. At the same time, I already only eat chicken so I can't give up meat and I do read and pray daily. So, what's left for me to do? In all honesty, I've yet to think of something but I'm sure that in this season of change, God understands. After all, He's a loving God. With that being said, you shouldn't feel bad if you're not able to do anything "special" this Lenten season. However, if you will be doing something: What do you plan to do?

Saturday, February 14, 2015

6 Ways to Enjoy a Trip in Your Mobile Home

Traveling in a mobile home can actually be a lot of fun. Here are 6 ways to make sure that you really enjoy it:
1. Change your plans whenever you feel like it so that you can go wherever your heart desires.
2. Enjoy the luxuries that you may not have at home (i.e. flat screen TV with surround sound).
3. Don't worry about packing, unpacking and repacking.
4. Never hear about your kids being bored.
5. While you may not like camping, an RV is a different story.
6. You'll get to meet some great new people along the way.

12 Great New LEGO Sets

There's bound to be something that every kid would love to own and play with! Remember, LEGOs are educational too.

6 Ways to Involve Dad in Your Homeschool

There are 6 great ways in which to involve a Dad in homeschooling:
1. Acknowledge the fact that he's providing the resources that are needed by your homeschool.
2. Talk to him about the curriculum you're considering using.
3. Turn family dinners into a time to discuss what went on in the homeschool that day.
4. Include him in some of your homeschool outings.
5. Let him teach the children something.
6. Have a show and tell at the end of the year where children can share what they've accomplished and what they're the proudest of from that homeschool year.

6 Things Every New Homeschool Mom MUST Know

There are 5 things that every new homeschool Mom needs to know:
1. You are not alone. Other Mothers have chosen to homeschool too.
2. You're not going to ruin your kids by choosing to homeschool them.
3. You don't have to be a professional teacher to be able to homeschool your children.
4. You will actually find that you really do enjoy being around your children.
5. Homeschooling isn't a race. Slow and steady really is the best pace.
6. Every day you have an opportunity to start all over again.

Unschooling The "Right" Way

John Holt, an American educator and homeschool advocated, coined the term "unschooling" in the 1960s. It was at this time that he published a book entitled, "How Children Fail." Writings such as this have been very influential when it comes to unschooling. 

Unschooling can be successful if you establish some boundaries. These boundaries are important so that your child will not be at a disadvantage.

Questions from Traditional Educators about Unschooling

Unschooling is a great, laid back way in which to educate your children. Traditional educators do have their questions and doubts about it though because they feel that living out our lives each day doesn't provide enough intellectual challenges for children. Thus they believe that unschooled children will not be able to compete with their traditionally schooled peers, especially the ones who are being challenged with today's technology. 

What's involved in unschooling?

Simply put, unschooling is a form of homeschooling. Parents who choose to unschool their children choose to use daily living as their classroom. As such, any activity can turn into a teachable moment. Parents pay close attention to what their child is interested in and then helps them explore that topic. For instance, if your child wants to know where sausage comes from, you would take them on a field trip to a sausage farm.

What's involved in homeschooling?

Regardless of what your reasoning is for deciding to homeschool your child, you should know that homeschooling is nothing new but it is definitely less conventional. Most states will still keep track of students to ensure that they are up to par with other, traditionally schooled, students their same age. As such, parents must have some type of guidelines in place when it comes to what their children are learning.

Why Parents Choose to Unschool

A lot of parents are passionate about providing their children the best education and raising them the way that they feel is right. One area wherein this can be seen is a parent's choice to homeschool. There are many different reasons why a parent may choose to homeschool their child, including:

Religious or value-centered reasons
Unique family circumstances
Dissatisfaction with government ran schools or the local school system's values
Less pressure when it comes to education

The Difference between Homeschooling and Unschooling

It's important to understand that homeschooling and unschooling are 2 different things. The main differences are:
* Homeschooling follows a specific curriculum. 
* Homeschooling parents act like teachers. Unschooling children don't need teachers since they're free to learn about what they're interested in. As such, parents are there just to give advice and only when it's asked for.

Summer Jobs for Teenagers

There are a lot of summer jobs that teens can take on to make some spending money for themselves. For instance, there are a lot of people who will need their lawns mowed and either they won't want to do it themselves or they can't. If your teen doesn't want to work outside in the hot summer sun, then maybe there's a babysitter needed by working parents who have a young child on summer break from school.

What are some other good jobs for teens this summer?

The Gifted Child Is Precocious

One of the very first characteristics that you'll come to recognize within a gifted child is that they tend to learn a lot faster than the normal child. This doesn't mean that all of these gifted children are going to learn things earlier than a normal child. However, it does mean that parents will face a challenge whenever it comes to helping their child learn what they want in an age-appropriate manner.

Patience Is a Must When Homeschooling

If you, as a parent, don't have a whole lot of patience, your homeschooling endeavors are going to fail. Children are really comfortable at home and there is nothing that you can do to change this. Therefore, it can be really difficult to discipline your child and turn them into attentive listeners. At these times the best thing to do is try something new. Maybe the two of you simply need to take a break.

Why Child-Led Learning Is Good for Kids

There are actually a lot of proponents of child-led learning. These are people who believe that a traditional education dulls a child's interest in the world in which they liveThey think that this isn't good for any child. These people also believe that children shouldn't simply be taught those things that are on the test because then, when the test is over, they will simply forget everything that they were just taught.

The Benefits of Homeschooling Your Deaf Child

A lot of parents who have deaf children find that they are not satisfied with the services that the public school children provide their children. They also grow tired of struggling to have appropriate accommodations for their children. This is when these parents oftentimes choose to start homeschooling their children. There really are some great advantages to this, including:

1.A parent is able to provide their child with one-on-one instruction and interaction, which is not available within the public school system where the average student only receives a few minutes of one-on-one instruction each week. This is important because the parent can help the child work on improving in the areas that he is weak in. Plus this will build the bond between you and your child, which will benefit your entire family.

2.The parent truly knows and understands their child's needs, style and preferences. This information can be used to develop the timing and content of your child's education.

3.Parents have a deep investment in seeing that their child succeeds. They also tend to have a broader view of what success means because they can look past a grade on a test. Instead, the parent can see when new strategies or additional materials are needed in order to help the child.

4.It is much easier to make accommodations in the physical environment at home than it is at school. When homeschooling there is no need for an IEP, which you will have to be in compliance with. You also will not have to argue about the school's budget issues.

5.The homeschool curriculum can easily be adapted to the child's needs. Such things as field trips, outings and hands-on projects can be easily incorporated into your homeschooling day. As such, parents have a lot more options available to them then public school teachers do.

6.It will take a lot less time to teach your child at home than at school. This means that you can spend more time on subjects that your child finds difficult, while speeding up on subjects that your child easily understands.

7.There will also be time saved upon which would have been spent upon commuting, doing homework, attending meetings or battling for the special services that your child needs.

8.Your child will be able to have more social opportunities. This is because they can interact with people of all ages each day in various situations. There are also homeschool groups that can help your child develop deep, intimate friendships that will last for a long time to come.

9.You will not have to continue to fight with the system. Of course, if your child had IEP services being provided by the school there is still going to be a lot of interaction here. Generally the struggles over IEP goals, implementing accommodations or monitoring will be gone though.

10.You, and you alone, have the choice of what communication methods to use. You do not have to worry about your child being moved from an Oral placement to a Total Communication program. There also will not be any battles over appropriate interpreters and aides.

Why do some people doubt child led learning?

Just like everything else in life, there are going to be some people who question child-led learning. Those who do so are actually questioning whether or not children really learn anything whenever they are left to their own devices. These people also believe that children are going to miss out on learning about things that they are not interested in. Furthermore, they question how these children will ever be able to function in a structured environment.

Friday, February 13, 2015

A Valentine's Day Reminder for Christians

Tomorrow is Valentine's Day. This is a day when we're supposed to show our love to those around us, but as Christians, we know we should show our love to one another all the time, not just on Valentine's Day. We also know that God is the source of selfless love. With both things in mind, Valentine's Day now has a whole new meaning. It serves as a reminder that we've been called to share His love with others. 

There are so many different ways in which we can share this love. One simple way that I like to use is placing a Scripture verse like, 1 John 4:19, "We love because He first loved us." in my email signature, as well as on my business cards. This is just a really simple reminder of who I am and what I stand for. Although I may change up my Bible verse on occasion, I always want it to have something to say about who I am as a person. 

As a Christian, we are called to share God's love with everyone we're around. So, why not take food to the homeless, donate clothing, volunteer, visit someone who's sick or lonely or take cookies to the firehouse, police station or local military base? 

Keep in mind that although today is Valentine's Day, this doesn't mean that we can't do these things throughout the year too. Our love comes from God. We know the truth, and it's up to show it to others by showing them love.   

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Get your Christian deals on 2/10/2015

World’s Largest #StarbucksDate on Feb. 13th = Specialty Coffee & a Treat JUST $5!


Free Sample Gymboree Class Pass (for a One Day Class)

Try a Class for Free

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Sunday, February 8, 2015

Get your Christian deals on 2/8/2015

Buy (2) Pillsbury Refrigerated Cookie Dough $2.54 ($5.08) @ Target

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Use (1) $1 off TWO packages Pillsbury Refrigerated Cookie Dough
$1.54 each wyb 2

Papa Johns: 40% off Any Large or Xtra Large Pizza!

Use code: WEB40OFF

Walmart: $1.98 Eight O’Clock Coffee 11oz! ($4.98 Value)

Buy: (1) Eight O'Clock Coffe 11 oz $4.98
Use (1) $1.50/1 Eight O'Clock Coffee coupon, print Exp 3/31
Pay: $3.48 OOP
Redeem (1) $1.50/1 Eight O'Clock Coffee iBotta offer
Final Price: $1.98

Aquafina Bottled Water only $0.27 at Target!

Target Deal:
Buy (1) Aquafina 1 L, $1.02
Use $0.75/1 Aquafina (Ibotta Deposit) [Any variety; 20-oz. bottle or larger]
Final Price: $0.27
Ibotta Aquafina

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Saturday, February 7, 2015

Get your Christian deals on 2/7/2015

Free food from Arby's 

Free Roast Beef

Sterling Silver with Yellow Flash Plating Heart Created Ruby with Round Created White Sapphire Pendant Necklace, 18" 

List Price: $129.00
Price: $47.54 & FREE Shipping. FREE Returns. Details
You Save: $81.46 (63%)

Win a $1,000-$10,000 Scholarship & More with Kohl’s Cares Scholarship Programs ( Students Ages 6-18)


Glade Spring Collection Candles ONLY $0.24!

Buy 2 Glade Spring Collection Candles $2.99 each
Use $1.50/2 Glade Spring Items Target Coupon
ALSO, use 2 $2/1 Glade Product Coupons (you will need to share)
= only $0.24 each!

Want more coupons, freebies, steals and deals? Visit Keep Calm & Coupon